Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh boy, some of us were in seventh heaven with having 150 varieties of heirloom apple scion wood to choose from at this grafting workshop. Some were very rare and impossible to find varieties and some were new varieties. So, all participants donated scion wood which was labeled and displayed then grafting experts disbursed among the tables to share their expertise. The rootstock was available for a small charge. There was great camaraderie who shared a passion for all things apple. We picked up a “jelly flower” but have not been able to find any description of it except for a mention here. If you have knowledge of this apple variety will you let us know?


  1. There's nothing like a grafting workshop! My farming friends at school were all jealous :)

  2. Check out this site:
    Therebis a short description of jelly flower and bell flower!

    1. thank you!! I had forgot to put the only mention link (sans description)on the post. I really appreciate the link to the description, it appears to be an old variety.
