Wednesday, September 11, 2013


We have had ducks on the farm from time to time, not for food but for, I guess, the fun. Ducks for pets and once to clean up the snail problem we had in the pond after we had brought  home some water hyacinths from another pond; the ducks cleaned them completely out. We have some rather unusual duck stories from the years of ducks. This year we brought home 4 ducks that were supposed to be rouens, related to mallards but word has it that rouens are too heavy to fly so these must be mallards. They do fly and I have to say it’s pretty cool to be on a walk a mile away from home and see your ducks fly over your head and they recognize you and circle around a few times before beating you home.  One of the ducks is a female and she has recently hatched 5 of her eggs. The ducklings are only 4 days old and extremely cute. It appears we will be with ducks for a while.