We usually leave a wide berth around a bush that we know has a bird nest in it until the birds have fledged, but this nest seems to have been abandoned long before this picture for some reason. The nest had all manner of insects in it it and litter such as green berries that had fallen in. There is a Peterson field guide to bird nests don’t you know, but we were unable to identify, positively, the eggs in this nest It is only about 4-6 inches off the ground, and is lined with pine needles There are a few pines on the farm but not real close to the berries. I thought it looked very similar to the Rose- breasted Grosbeak, but the nest is too low to the ground. I even have a hard time trying to discern whether the eggs are splashed, blotched, dotted, spotted, overlaid or wreathed! There is a chance that they are Rufous- sided Towhee eggs, but these eggs look more heavily marked, and Dark-eyed Junco is a possibility but their nests are usually on the ground and the description does not mention pine needles in the nest. Oh well. We can usually identify the eggs by the panicked parent birds that get in a tizzy when you get too close. It will remain a mystery as to what kind of beautiful eggs these are and what happened to the parents.
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