We have all the raspberries planted now, this is the first time we have tried red raspberries and i really don't know why! they are so good! We have had the black raspberries for a while. I still would like to get a yellow raspberry perhaps an Anne. the following are the three varieties that we planted, i think we are missing a productive fall bearing variety.
Prelude Red Raspberry ripens early June Rich colored berries are sugary sweet and bursting with juice. Plants are hardy and vigorous, with very few thorns. They produce an excellent crop of very early June raspberries that complement the strawberry season, the Prelude also produces an excellent fall crop of large, tasty, and easily picked berries in the cooler part of September & October that mesh nicely with the pumpkin season, even well into mid November !!
Lauren Raspberry ripens mid June The berries are very large, bright red, and are the sweetest of the summer cultivars . It also has the longest fruiting season (4 weeks) of any summer red raspberry, and it tastes pretty good even when picked a little under-ripe. It spreads much less rapidly than Prelude.
Autumn Britten Raspberry ripens mid July The earliest fall bearing red raspberry plant. The first harvests begin in late July and continues for weeks to months. Fruits are large and bright red. A preferred plant because of its vigor and disease resistance, not to mention the sweetest flavor
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