A cold blustery day, going to spread some composted chicken manure down on the newly planted berries, then add the shavings. have some of it done but still so much to do. The shavings are 20.00 a pick up load. They are from an Amish mill down the road, they process pine pulpwood for shavings and I believe that is all they do and sell tractor trailer loads to Kentucky horse farms...so rumor has it anyways. Rumor has it too, that we may get some snow :-(
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A cold blustery day, going to spread some composted chicken manure down on the newly planted berries, then add the shavings. have some of it done but still so much to do. The shavings are 20.00 a pick up load. They are from an Amish mill down the road, they process pine pulpwood for shavings and I believe that is all they do and sell tractor trailer loads to Kentucky horse farms...so rumor has it anyways. Rumor has it too, that we may get some snow :-(
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What a treat to stand under the Kwanzan cherry just before it gets dark, when the sky is intensely blue, and look up through the pink blossoms!!! Oooh, Aahh! Gathered lots of lilac and cherry blooms for vases as tonight it is to be in the twenties and we shall have a freeze. We covered what we could, the rhubarb. peas, shisandra berry, kiwi, persimmon, delphiniums and i even covered the peonies that are beginning to grow.The lettuce has been covered since we planted it and it is doing nicely/
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
No photograph could do justice to the beauty of this one wild cheery tree, many years ago, well before we were here, there were cherry trees on the crest of the hill. None survived but this one tree sprouted up from a viable root and produced this tree. It gets no cherries but the spring show is spectacular. it blooms after the other domestic cherries, although the sour cherries still have some flowers the sweet cherries are through with flowering. The Kwanzan still have flowers, pink, and beautiful. We planted the last of the few blueberry bushes today..hooray but still have so much work left mulching, fertilizing and watering them.The raspberries should arrive this week.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Today we planted two Northern Spy, two honey Crisp and a Reliance peach and 35 more blueberry plants. I guess we have 6 peach trees altogether, the trees do not get very big the rabbits do not prefer their bark,they are relatively pest free and I don't think they are too choosy about the soil. Pears are even easier to grow and very long lived, apples seem to be the hardest to grow and cherries and plums too, the sour cherries are not fussy but the sweet cherries if not hit by late frosts or devoured by robins are susceptible to brown rot. There are still more berries to plant, but we have most of it done, even though it certainly was cold enough to snow.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
A rainy cold day! We managed to get half of the berries planted yesterday,despite some periods of thunderstorms. They are healthy plants, hope we can keep them that way. There are too many mole/vole tunnels in the berries and I am going to try castor oil again, I do believe I had success with using it a few years ago, in fact I stopped using it because they were not a problem anymore. There was a foreign plant in with one of the berries, we suspect that it might be a jostaberry, we will plant it and see what it is!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Now the fun begins, the berries have arrived. I think we are ready,we have the ground tilled, the wood chips ready, the root enzymes ready and tomorrow is to be a nice day about 65 with a chance of rain. Hopefully the rain will arrive as soon as we are done planting. We are planting mostly Brigitta, but are also trying out a new variety Aurora which is the latest of all blueberries and a very old variety Ruble which is supposed to have twice the antioxidants of any other blueberry and we are also planting Chandler a relatively new variety that have very large and flavorful berries.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Cherry, peach, and pear blossoms at their peak and so as a farmer's life goes. the past two nights we have had a frost. We will see if we get any fruit this year. The apple blossoms are still unopened.I have been covering the rhubarb delphiniums and snap peas. I wish i would have covered the peach tree, they are small enough to cover
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tilled up some garden and planted some kale, lettuce, garlic and onions over the weekend. have been trying to find some Earliglow strawberries locally to plant but not having any luck, I did get some Sparkle strawberries and they are supposed to be flavorful and very hardy. So warm outside but to be in the 30's tomorrow night. We have some bees coming next week and 125 blueberry plants..going to be very busy!!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Have planted 3 apple tress, two Hidden Rose,. I am very excited about the Roma.-"juicy, crisp, hard, sugary and richly flavored, ripening late (October) and keeping throughout the winter. The late Conrad Gemmer, an astute observer of apples with 500 varieties in his collection, rated Roma an outstanding variety of top quality" and a Duchess-"A round above-medium-sized apple with pale yellow skin almost entirely covered with irregular stripes and splashes of bright red. Yellowish flesh, crisp, tender, juicy, brisk and sprightly - suitable for eating when ripe, but excellent for cooking throughout August and September. " Can hardly wait, but we will have to wait -several years at least, to enoy some.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Well, spring turned into summer in less than a week! It is quite warm now and is it my imagination or are things blooming at an accelerated rate, where forsythia and daffodils were tight green last week are now fully blossomed out.. Been busy with getting things functional again mowers, tractors, carts and such, seems every thing's tires have flattened over the winter.
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